Why did Bethel elders have to visit the couple in Paris, just because they lived close to the Bataclan theater?! Apart from that, they did not have any problem at all (trauma, yes). Look what stuff other brothers and sisters have to face. For these ones the local elders have to care, if they do. Double standards!
George One Time
JoinedPosts by George One Time
Outraged After Watching The May 2017 Broadcast
by pale.emperor inok, so i've just put myself through another months broadcast so i can see what bull they're feeding my still in relatives.
all was going fine... well, i say fine, i mean the usual cheesy videos, rehearsed reactions from jeffrey jackson (you remember him, the one who told half truths and lies at the royal commission) and propaganda from jw land.. the last feature brings up 9/11 and the paris 2015 attack at the bataclan.
just as im thinking "how are they gonna spin this in their direction" i hear these words:.
George One Time
2017 Regional Convention Outlines
by accesible in2017 regional convention outlines.
aquí están todos los bosquejos de la asamblea regional 2017 en inglés.
George One Time
@objavitelj Wouldn't it be wise not to mention such info? We all like the leaks to continue.
Do religious people fear that their religion may be wrong???
by James Mixon inbecause there are so many religions in the world and it is obvious that no matter what the truth is, a large population of people will be wrong about it.
we at one time believe we had the truth and 99% of the world population were in darkness, but i wonder about folks in other religions today.
speaking with a christian friend about this and he told me," that's for god to decide, i hope i'am serving god"...the sad thing about all of this if one die and still believe in his religion, he will never know he was in the wrong religion.
George One Time
Interesting to find Cold Steel in the discussion here. In the Netherlands I had a few discussions with mormons in the field service, and I was always surprised by their strong beliefs. So different from the catholics or protestants that we met, who actually were not really convinced.
Later I approached the missionaries on the street, just to know what convinced them they were the true religion. I asked them how they dealt for themselves with the contradictions in the beliefs of their religion (I mentioned a few). The answer was not dealing with the contraditions, but rather explaining how the Holy Spirit had revealed it to them, when they prayed about it. Of course the answer didn't satisfy me. I was a believing JW at the time, but it made me think about my own beliefs.
Talking to some elders in our congregation I notice a similar reaction. They just ignore the problematic issues in the Bible and the teachings and continue to emphasize other reasons that make sense to them.
Bethelites are Employees
by berrygerry inbethel seems to have legal fires happening everywhere.
George One Time
No Bethel in Namibia, so I guess this is about the RTO Regional Translation Office.
Outcome - Banned in Russia - Final
by OrphanCrow ini just watched the live feed from the russian court room and followed the updates on the russian exjw forum.. just waiting for confirmation from other sources...but, it looks like the final (and expected) result is:.
which means that the wts property in russia now belongs to the russian state..
George One Time
Has the decision of the court already been published on paper?
Now we know that they were banned for extremism, but at least I would like to know what legal basis they (claim to) have.
This might be a good week to start a conversation about Jeremiah 29:10
by George One Time inat this week clam meeting, jeremiah 29:10 is discussed:.
jer 29:10—how does this verse demonstrate the accuracy of bible prophecy?
the mistranslation of this verse is the basis of the idea that the jews spend 70 years in exile in babylon.
George One Time
@Sylvia: No, it's not Miz... Your work sounds quite ambitious. Looking forward to it!
This might be a good week to start a conversation about Jeremiah 29:10
by George One Time inat this week clam meeting, jeremiah 29:10 is discussed:.
jer 29:10—how does this verse demonstrate the accuracy of bible prophecy?
the mistranslation of this verse is the basis of the idea that the jews spend 70 years in exile in babylon.
George One Time
At this week CLAM meeting, Jeremiah 29:10 is discussed:
Jer 29:10—How does this verse demonstrate the accuracy of Bible prophecy? (g 6/12 14 ¶1-2)
The mistranslation of this verse is the basis of the idea that the jews spend 70 years in exile in Babylon. However, in the original language it reads not "at" Babylon, but "for" Babylon.
From the Watchtower : http://wol.jw.org/en/wol/d/r1/lp-e/2011736#h=1:0-151:0
Instead of saying 70 years “at Babylon,” many translations read “for Babylon.” (NIV) Some historians therefore claim that this 70-year period applies to the Babylonian Empire. According to secular chronology, the Babylonians dominated the land of ancient Judah and Jerusalem for some 70 years, from about 609 B.C.E. until 539 B.C.E. when the capital city of Babylon was captured.
That famous article did not explain why many modern translations do read "for Babylon".
It means that in case those historians are right about the translation, 607 B.C.E. can be dismissed.
Growing up JW kid: do you recognize
by Gorbatchov inborn in 1970, 4th generation jw and parents who were loyal to but could also think on their own.. my father always said, the show goes on, so he had a respectable community job, advisor of the city counsel of the town.
and buying ald building houses for us.
we were on the move.. what i remember is the many conversations at home about the other witnesses.
George One Time
I wish I could say the same as you Gorby. I was raised without a radio, television or computer at home. All those 'worldly' influences were no good. Started as a regular pioneer at 15, and continued with an intensive theocratic 'career'.
It took me until I was 38 years old that I realised it was all nonsense, after many strange ideas just didn't add up. However, because all my family is still in, I am still held captive.
Just managed to stop the fieldservice two months ago, mentioning my concerns about many unexplainable things in the Bible to the elders. Love to see that they have no good answers at all. Will one of them wake up too?
Still waiting for my wife to see what is going on in the org. She has a similar background as I have.
What I do recognize is the survival modus. I never liked the forced conversations promoted in the Kingdom Hall, I knew these didn't work anyway.
the 2013 NWT in Dutch ---- when ??
by menrov inwe are almost in 2017 and some 3 to 4 years have passed since the release of the 2013 revised nwt.
also, i am supposed to believe much money has been spent on rto's.
and as the end is even closer, i should have access to the "best translation ever" in my own language...how else can i be saved???.
George One Time
At the 2nd visit of the headquarter representative this year delegates from Belgium and Surinam will be invited, so I expect the new NWT to be released at that occasion. Actually I heard the wife of a circuit overseer speculate on this.
Pharaoh tries to kill all male babies - later Moses orders the very same thing!
by George One Time inso many things that i just discoved about the bible.. .
so from the book my book of bible stories, we all know how little moses was saved from a cruel pharaoh.
of course the king of egypt was afraid that those cute little babies would endanger his empire eventually.
George One Time
@Cold Steel
To judge God or the Bible, one should know every aspect of the arguments one is purporting.
That used to be my idea too. However, because the Bible is supposed to be inspired by God Almighty, we can expect him to provide us with perfect and complete information. If it is not there, I have to draw my own conclusions. Otherwise I can believe in the Qor'aan or any other holy book. When one finds unlogical ideas, the uncomplete information is always an excuse for the believer.